March Book Mail!

Another great month for book mail!  First up, my monthly subscriptions did not disappoint!

King Nyx, this month’s shipment from the Fantastic Strangelings, sounds like something right up my alley, where historical fiction meets gothic horror.

The March selections from NightWorms includes two very strong female horror authors, Cynthia Pelayo and Gwendolyn Kiste.  I’ve enjoyed their works in the past so these are on my “Read ASAP TBR list.”

Then I bought these titles…

I’ve had a paperback copy of Shogun since the late 1980’s (god, I feel old just saying that!).  I remember it being everywhere for years, so I used some babysitting money to get a copy after seeing approximately one hour of the original television series in 1980 (I was ten years old in 1980, for those keeping score, lol!) and having it just stick with me for years.  Fast forward to when I saw the ads for the remake (which I’ve recorded) , and then finding this beautiful hardcover edition, well…yeah, just had to have it.

As for the others pictured, I’ve been wanting to read Elle Nash and Chuck Tingle for some time so I decided to just order since I can’t find their works through the library (and probably for good reason, lol!).  And speaking of the library, Monsters on the Couch:  The Real Psychological Disorders Behind Your Favorite Horror Movies is a nonfiction I picked up at my local library and I thought it sounded so perfect for my Halloween reading list that I instantly went online to snag myself a copy.

Did you get any new books in March?  Drop me a line and let’s talk books!

Until next time, stay safe, and Happy Reading!


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